We can make Responsive websites to accomodate any screen

Does my business need
a Website?

The public now expects businesses and organizations to have a Website. one that can, at the very least, supply basic information and a means of getting in contact. A Web site has become nearly as essential as a telephone or fax machine.

But apart from satisfying the public's expectations, you need a way to reach your customers and vendors; a Website is an excellent way of efficiently communicating with them.

A Professional website will give those future clients a great first impression of your company. It will project your image as a serious and professional company or organization. People find easy to navigate and user friendly websites the best because it takes them where they need to go in fewer steps. This will attract new clients and in turn increase profits. People now search the Web rather than the Yellow Pages when looking for a service or product.

So you need a website,
what's the next step?

Let us know via text, call, e-mail, facebook, carrier pigeon. We'll do the rest! We will set up a one-on-one meeting and talk about your company needs.

We will design a distinguished website in order to effectively separate your company or organization from the rest. The website will act as a gateway to bring you new business from prospecting clients, business partners and potential investors. And the site will also continue to give a good image with your already established customers and members. We will create the look and feel that will reflect your company's unique core while keeping the navigation and site structure easy to navigate and understand.

Don't waste time, send us a message.

A Great Website with a Great Price

$ 1,499.99

+ subscription

This is a very complete 5 page website with the normal sections such as home, about us, services, products and contact us. We will obtain a Domain name and hosting are included in the package.

5 page website

Includes up to 10 e-mail addresses ( 1GB Storage)

Includes sitemap

Upload your content

Upload your logo

Includes SEO package

Includes Mobile Friendly module

Includes Analytics Scripts to receive monthly website performance reports

Includes Google business profile creation

Free Ad-ons

Links to your Facebook, Instagram, social media accounts

Facebook Stream

Youtube Videos (up to 5)

Additional Contact Form

Terms of Service

Optional additional Ad-ons

Additional webpage $125 ( one-time fee)

Spanish Version$225 ( one-time fee)

Image Gallery (up to 25 images) $150.00 ( one-time fee)

Additional 10 e-mails $30.00 ( one-time fee) + $5 subscription

Photoshoot of products, models, equipment, etc with image editing and enhancement $100/hr

The website will be visible peefectly on computers, laptops, tablets, cell phones and more.


This price is for the hosting, maintenance and changes done on a month-to-month basis. We ask for a 1 year commitment.

This package already includes one (4) hours a month of changes done to website including image change, text change, adding, removing text, images, change of color.
If there needs to be a module change and/or restructure of the website then that will be quotes separately.
Any work done that surpasses said hours will be quotes separately.

Want to Sell More with an Online Store instead?

We will configure your website with eCommerce capability; This means that you can enter and maintain an inventory of your merchandise; You can have specials, promotions, discounts, generate customer reports, reports for best sold merchandise and more.

It's an excellent way to reach more customers and increase your sales.

Setup fee: $1450.00               Subscription per month: $99.99

How do we
Do it

Get a feel for your business.
We will setup an interview with you or a representative to get a feel and understanding of the ultimate goal so that we may fully meet your expectations.

Design patterns.
We will research colors, fonts, patterns and schemes to effectively capture the audience's attention.

We'll use html 5, PHP 5.6.6, CSS3, and may include javascript, flash and/or other technologies in order to achieve outstanding visual effect.

Check the competition.
We will research other companies in the same market to better understand the target audience.

Site map.
We'll create a site map the website to help Google and other Search Engines index all the pages in your site faster. This will help in your page's ranking.

Register on Google.
If you have a brick and mortar business, we will register your site with Google local which displays a description of your business, essencial information and a map.

Have ideas on how to improve your online presence? We can help! Contact Us and let's talk over a cup of coffee.

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